Hettie Halstead Elementary hosted a family movie night, watching Over the Hedge on the big screen. Thank you to everyone who came out, including the 2-82 FA from Fort Cavazos.
More Photos --> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBmEhz

Did you know... Copperas Cove ISD residents age 65 and older will not be impacted financially by the proposed bond if they have filed the proper Homestead Exemption with the County Central Appraisal District. Their taxes are frozen and cannot go over their frozen amount if there are no major improvements to the propoerty. NOTE: In 2019, Texas Legislators passed a new law as part of HB 3 that requires all bond propositions for any school district to have the phrase "THIS IS A PROPERTY TAX INCREASE’’ on all ballot language for bond propositions. Due to this requirement, all voters will see this statement on the official ballot language.

This week is the annual Powder Puff Football game at Bulldawg Stadium, presented by the CCHS Senior Class. We hope to see y'all there!

The Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. Joe Burns recently got to visit the newest student-run store in CCISD, Move on Up at CCHS.
Learn more about the store here --> https://shorturl.at/hBJU7
See KXXV-TV’s story on the initiative here --> https://shorturl.at/fNS38
More photos --> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBmivh

The CCHS Speech & Debate team is heading to regionals!
Steven Castillo advanced after getting 2nd in Extemporaneous Speaking, Isis Brown advanced after getting 3rd in Poetry Interpretation and Dianne Manguerra is an alternate after finishing 4th in Prose Interpretation.

Proposition A includes renovations to the Fairview/Miss Jewell Campus. The walkway between the Fairview and Miss Jewell wings would be enclosed to ensure student safety and limit exposure to inclement weather conditions when walking across campus.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

Good luck to the members of the CCHS Track & Field team who are competing in the Area Meet today at Midway HS in Hewitt!

Hettie Halstead 3rd-5th graders recently took part in the first Students vs. Staff volleyball game. Students in the classes with the most days without office referrals got to play.
More photos --> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBm5Fh

This week is National Assistant Principal Week! Thank you to the Assistant Principals who work tirelessly to ensure a high-quality education for all students in Copperas Cove.

Today is National Library Workers Day and we want to take a minute to thank all of our wonderful library staff in Cove!

Thank you to everyone who made last week’s Transition Fair a success! We’re grateful to have wonderful partners to help inform our families.
More photos --> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBkJo1

ICYMI | Dr. Burns recently discussed the 2024 Bond proposal with the Killeen Daily Herald.
Read --> https://kdhnews.com/news/local/cove-isd-superintendent-says-school-district-not-in-financial-position-for-new-high-school/article_f397ff0c-e961-11ee-81e1-175ebc46be69.html

Reminder, Bulldawg Family, we do not have school Monday, April 8th. It is a student holiday, staff development day.
Classes resume Tuesday morning!

ICYMI | Superintendent Dr. Joe Burns discussed the 2024 CCISD Bond proposal with reporters, including this report on the idea of a new HS & funding.
Read more --> https://www.coveleaderpress.com/news/ccisd-superintendent-discusses-proposed-high-school-expansion-and-funding

This week was Paraprofessional Appreciation Day and we wanted to take a minute to thank the incredible paraprofessionals in CCISD who help our students every day!

Check out this Copperas Cove High School Proposed Master Plan in Bond 2024 Proposition A. Copperas Cove ISD serves more than 900 students at the high school, and more than 500 at the junior high level each year who are developing skills which will provide lifelong health benefits.
In order to keep up with student growth, several athletic facilities at Copperas Cove High School must be relocated to allow for additions to the campus.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

The Pride of Cove Color Guard advanced to TCGC State Contest this weekend!
CCHS performs around 2 p.m. at Reed Arena on the Texas A&M campus in College Station.
More --> https://www.texascolorguardcircuit.org/events/60727

🗳️Today, April 4th is the Voter Registration deadline to participate in the May 2024 Election. As a reminder, Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024 Proposition A will be on the ballot. 🗳️ Register to vote TODAY at www.VoteTexas.Gov.

Bond 2024 Proposition A includes the expansion of the CCHS Cafeteria. Check out the proposed site plan and renderings below. For full-size renderings, please visit our Bond webpage at www.ccisd.com/Bond2024

TOMORROW is CCISD's Transition Fair, explaining the various vocational assistance services and partnerships. It is 6-7:30 p.m. in the Copperas Cove HS cafeteria.