Intervention and At-Risk
Response to Instruction and Intervention
Response to Indicator, Instruction and Intervention (RtI3) is the practice of meeting the academic and behavioral needs of all students through a variety of services containing the following key elements:
High-quality instruction and scientific research-based tiered interventions aligned with individual student needs
Frequent monitoring of student progress to make results-based academic and/or behavioral decisions
Application of student response data to help guide important educational decisions (such as those regarding placement, intervention, curriculum, and instructional goals and methodologies)
The instructional approaches used within the general education setting should result in academic and/or behavioral progress for the majority of the students. Struggling students are identified using data-based student progress monitoring and are provided intensive instruction. The use of scientifically validated curricula and teaching methods expected in an RtI3 model leads to data-based school improvement.
For specific information about RtI2, please feel free to contact the Instructional Services Department at 254-547-1227 ext 11305.
At-Risk Program
Identifying students as "at-risk" is part of compensatory education. Under Section 29.081 of the Texas Education Code (TEC), compensatory education is defined in law as programs and/or services designed to supplement the regular education program for students identified as at-risk of dropping out of school. The purpose is to increase academic achievement and ultimately reduce the drop out rate for these students.
The goal of state compensatory education is to reduce any disparity in performance on assessment instruments administered or disparity in the rates of high school completion between students identified as at-risk and all other students.
For more information about the At Risk Program , please visit Texas Education Agency (Compensatory Education) or contact the Instructional Services Department at 254-547-1227 ext 11305.