Employee Assistance Program
Alliance Work Partners is here for you as life happens. AWP is proud to serve as your EAP, offering you and your household valuable, confidential services at no cost to you. Your benefits are designed t o help you manage daily responsibilities, major events, work stresses , or any issue affecting your quality of life.
Your EAP Benefits
LawAccess Legal and Financial services provided by a lawyer or financial professional specializing in your area of concern. Available online or by telephone.
Customized EAP website featuring resources, skill-building tools, online assessments and referrals.
Resources and referrals for everyday needs. Available by telephone.
Reimbursement for emergency cab fare for eligible employees and dependents that opt to use a cab service instead of driving while impaired.
1 to 8 Counseling Sessions
Per problem, per year. Short-term counseling sessions which include assessment, referral, and
crisis services. (Same day appointments available for urgent/crisis callers, or facilitation of immediate hospitalization)
Training Series
Tips for Everyday Living
Accessing Your Benefits
All benefits can be accessed by calling:
Toll Free
Teen Line
1-800-334-TEEN (8336)
We are available to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Create a Customized Online Account
Visit our EAP Website and create a customized account. Select "Access Your Benefits" and enter registration code AWP-CCISD-294
Criteria for Benefits Eligibility
Full Benefits
Employee, retiree, married/divorced spouse, partner, significant other
Any household member, regardless of age or relationship, residing in employee’s home, including significant other and their children
All covered employees may bring anyone with them to their authorized/covered sessions regardless of relationship to employee.
Children and grandchildren, age 26 or under, residing in US or Puerto Rico. This includes children and grandchildren of significant other or partner.
Any person meeting benefit eligibility prior to lay-off or termination of an employee will continue to be eligible for benefits up to 6 months from the date of employee’s lay-off or termination. Benefits are extended for 6 months from date of employee's call within this timeframe.
Assessment & Referral
Children and grandchildren age 27 and over of employee, married/divorced spouse, partner, or significant other living outside employee’s home
Employee instructed by law to receive court-ordered counseling
All crisis cases (suicidal/homicidal, domestic violence, chemical dependence, substance abuse, child/elderly abuse) not otherwise covered
Any person meeting benefit eligibility prior to lay-off or termination of an employee will continue to be eligible for assessment and referral after 6 months and up to 1 year from the date of employee’s lay-off or termination. Benefits are extended 1 year from date of employee's call within this timeframe.
Information & Referral:
Anyone contacting Alliance Work Partners regardless of contract status
Children under the age of 18 must have a written, signed release by their guardian who has custody (whether living in the home or not) to attend counseling on their own. This release is given to their affiliate provider. Divorced parents who bring their children in for counseling must bring a copy of their divorce decree or have signed permission from the other parent before bringing a child into counseling. Grandparents who bring their grandchildren into counseling must have proof of guardianship or written permission from the child’s parents.
Alliance Work Partners is a professional service of Workers Assistance Program, Inc. Copyright © 2015-2016 Workers Assistance Program, Inc. Confidential and proprietary. All rights reserved.