Title IX Coordinator
Title IX
Copperas Cove ISD commits to protect its students from all forms sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and gender-based violence or harassment in compliance with Title IX
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Copperas Cove Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law in its programs, activities, or employment practices. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, contact: Director of Human Resources or Director of Student Services at (254) 547-1227, 408 South Main Street, Copperas Cove, TX 76522.
Who does Title IX protect?
Title IX protects individuals participating in or attempting to participate in the district’s educational programs and activities. This can include students, employees, parents, guardians, school visitors, and applicants. Title IX protects these individuals at school sponsored-activities, school-recognized activities, and travel for school purposes that occurs away from the campus.
What are examples of prohibited conduct under Title IX?
Sexual assault and abuse
Unwelcome sexual advances
Requests for sexual favors
Sexually motivated physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct (even electronically or online)
Harassment based on gender, sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, and gender identity
Retaliation against students who report sexual harassment, sexual assault, abuse, or other gender-based violence, or who participate in Title IX investigations or the Cove's grievance procedures as a witness or a party.
How to File a Complaint
Reports of prohibited conduct under Title IX can be made orally or in writing to a teacher, counselor, principal, or other District employee. To file a formal Title IX complaint of sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and gender-based harassment, please download the Title IX Complaint Form and turn it in the Title IX Coordinator or your campus principal. You may mail the form, deliver it in person; or scan and email it. For information on the Cove's Title IX complaint and investigation processes, see FFH District Policies: FFH (Local) or FFH (Regulation).