Chief Financial Officer
CCISD Service and Training Center
Email Clifton Heath
Business Services

Clifton Heath

Sharon Carter
Director of Finance
CCISD Service and Training Center
Email Sharon Carter
Business Office Staff
Melisa Calhoun
Accounts Payable Specialist
254-547-1227 x11104
Email Melisa Calhoun or Email Invoices
Elisabeth Schnabel
Accounts Payable Specialist
254-547-1227 x11106
Email Elisabeth Schnabel or Email Invoices
Ashley Gongora
Accounting & Purchasing Clerk
Deposits and Purchase Orders
254-547-1227 x11103
Email Ashley Gongora or Email Purchasing
Kim Blalock
Coordinator of Grants & Purchasing
UIL Parent Booster Clubs
Skyward Finance System Administrator
254-547-1227 x11201 or
Department Contact Information
Phone 254-547-1227 Fax 254-547-7060