Junior High STEM
CCISD Junior High School STEM Academies
Our Goal
The goal of the STEM Academy is to support a diverse learning community based on common interests.
The STEM Academy supports students in learning about possible STEM careers.
The STEM Academy prepares student for college course work.
The STEM Academy supports future - ready citizens of the 21st century.

STEM Camp Day 2 - Students work on their Extreme Shoe

STEM Camp Day 3 - Students work on their Move It project

STEM Camp Day 4 - Students work on their Mod My Sunglasses project

STEM Camp Day 5 - Students work on their project On The Circuit
Strategies for STEM Success
Provide a coordinated approachto STEM Education programmingfor all students.
Expand opportunities for studentsto enter STEM pathways thatvertically align to postsecondaryprograms.
Increase the number of STEMpathways leading to STEMendorsement.
Increase access and opportunitiesfor students to participate incareer awareness, exploration,and work-based learningexperiences aligned to STEMoccupation.
Embed STEM Fluency Skills anddesign challenges into coreacademic classes so all studentswill have the opportunity to learnSTEM integrated thinking.
About the Academy
The STEM Academy is a FREE college - preparatory program located at both junior highs (Copperas Cove Junior High and SC Lee Junior High). The academy is for sixth through eight graders who are interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Example STEM Pathways
6th Grade
Advanced Physical Science
Advanced Math 6th
Advanced English 6th
Advanced World history
Physical Education
7th Grade
Advanced Life Science
Advanced English 7th
Advanced Texas History
Computer Science
Foreign Language
8th Grade
Advanced Science
Algebra 1
Advanced English 8th
Foreign Language 2
Advanced US History