Thank you to all of the families who came out to Williams/Ledger Elementary's science night and made the event a success.

Congratulations to Wyatt Clay, who recently earned his "I Love to Read" shirt at Mae Stevens Early Learning, after he read 300 books at home as part of the campus' "Books and Beyond" initiative.

Bulldawg families, just a reminder that Spring Break is next week. This Friday will be a regular school day before the break, and classes will resume on March 24th.

This week, CCISD Superintendent Dr. Brent Hawkins, CFO Cliff Heath, Board President Joan Manning, Board VP John Gallen, Board Secretary Mike Wilburn and Trustee Heather Copeland are attending the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools conference, learning changes that are coming to Federal Impact Aid and meeting with local representatives about the needs of Copperas Cove students.

Want to learn more about CCISD's new Superintendent, Dr. Brent Hawkins? Learn about his story, his approach to public education and his family in this introduction video.

Four campuses and two individual students from CCISD were recognized in Belton as part of the annual Cen-Tex Sustainable Communities Partnership for their work in the Youth Environmental Ambassadors! Program with Fort Cavazos.
Read more --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2074462
Watch --> https://youtu.be/CIknCljUAqQ

Copperas Cove ISD's award-winning Child Nutrition department has added two more to its trophy case, this time from the USDA.
Read more --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2068728

Still looking for weekend plans? Come to Festival of the Arts TOMORROW at Copperas Cove High School!

Keep up with all things CCISD. The newest issue of Hawk's Talk is now live at www.CCISD.com/Superintendent.

This week, trustees approved a $500 stackable stipend to any CCISD employee who recruits a professional staff member.
More information --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2067348

Copperas Cove ISD is hosting a job fair on March 25th at the Copperas Cove Civic Center. On-site interviews are available, including for instructional, professional and support staff positions.
More --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2071444

In the district's continued work to better align its staffing and programs, the Board of Trustees approved a list of new hires which included Robert Turner as the district's new Director of Career & Technical Education.
Read more --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2067348

We were grateful to be able to host the quarterly entities summit, where we talked about current events with the city, county, EDC and chamber of commerce.

Tuesday night, the CCISD Board of Trustees approved the 2025-26 school calendar.
Read more --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2067348

Fairview/Jewell Elementary enacted its standard response protocol this afternoon, due to a downed power line in the parking lot. All students were dismissed from the campus without incident.
At this time, we have no reason to believe that the school day tomorrow will need to be altered.

We are currently experiencing a power outage to two of our campuses and have enacted our standard response protocol.
Parents at S.C. Lee & Williams/Ledger, please check your email.

Congratulations to the Copperas Cove Jr. High chess team, which competed at the state championships for the first time this weekend and returned home as STATE CHAMPIONS!

To help build its menu for the 2025-26 school year, CCISD's Child Nutrition department recently held a taste test to get student input.

Don't forget about the annual Festival of the Arts this Saturday at Copperas Cove HS!

This week is Educational Diagnosticians Week and we have the very best right here in Copperas Cove! Thank you all for everything you do for our students!