COPPERAS COVE – In a year featuring a presidential election, one school in Copperas Cove took the opportunity to use the election to teach the students about the process.
Hettie Halstead Elementary School’s recent Student Council elections featured some of the same steps in the campaign process as the folks on ballots across the nation.
“I had a lot of fun making my Mind Craft poster so I could go out there in the mornings to represent myself to get a spot on Student Council,” said Hayden Hogan, a fourth-grade student at Halstead.
Campaigning students were provided three days to greet students during arrival and create one poster to display in their grade-level hallway.
"I felt like it was a fair race,” said fifth-grade student Kaitlyn Sendejo. “I had a lot of fun making my posters and going out there in the morning and saying ‘Good Morning.’ That was a nice way to start the day and get everyone to remember who was running for Student Council.”
The students also had the opportunity to speak to their classes and explain why they were running before voting was done on a computer, just like in the main elections done in March, May and November.
Once they voted, students even received an “I Voted” sticker after casting their ballot.
"There was a lot going on in my class because there were six people running for Student Council, but I thought it was a fair process,” said Malia Cameron Carter, a fifth-grade student. “We all had the chance to do our speeches in front of our homeroom, and everyone did so good. It was cool to go outside in the halls and vote like in the real election. I felt bad for the other people that did not get elected, but I gave them a hug and told them I was proud of them because it was a good race and they tried their best!"
Sendejo added: “I felt so proud of myself after I said my speech in front of my class. Such an awesome experience.”
At the end of it all, the students gathered to hear the results announced at the end of the day.
The students elected to the Halstead Student Council were:
5th grade
Jeffrey Smart
Koleton Chenoweth
Isabella Ball
Kaitlyn Sendejo
Malia Cameron- Carter
Flora Weilbacher
Dorian Drogos
4th grade
Adrian Luna
Lillian Ball
Marissa Martinez
Logan Moralez
Chole Alexander
Emree Olson
Hayden Hogan
John Freeman