Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

Student Health Information:

State law requires the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to develop the form and content of information relating to bacterial meningitis, please see the following websites for new updates:

Student Health Advisory Council(SHAC)

Every independent school district is required by law to have a school health advisory council (SHAC) of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. The SHAC is annually appointed by the local education agency Board of Trustees.

Texas Education Code
Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 

2024-2025 Meetings will be held at the DSTC @ 4:45

What is School Health Advisory Council also known as (SHAC)?

SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community and school district which provides advice to the district on coordinated school health (CSH) programming and its impact on student health and Learning.

Student Welfare Wellness and Health Services - FFA (Local) - Accessible Version
Student Welfare Wellness and Health Services - FFA (Local) – Legal Format 

CCISD Wellness Plan

CCISD SHAC Bylaws – CCISD SHAC Bylaws adopted

CCISD will utilize Choosing the Best. This program empowers teens with the information necessary to develop healthy habits and relationships. The program provides an all-inclusive, data-driven curriculum founded on the medical, legal, psychological and socioeconomic information regarding adolescent health risk behaviors. Based on the probable consequences of adolescent risk behaviors, the safest and healthiest choice for teens is to promote risk avoidance by establishing healthy habits and relationships.

A parent is entitled to review the curriculum materials. In addition, a parent may remove his or her child from any part of the human sexuality instruction without academic, disciplinary, or other penalties. A parent may also choose to become more involved with the development of this curriculum by becoming a member of the district’s SHAC. (See the campus principal for details.)

Triennial Wellness Self-Assessment

CCISD SHAC Members 2024-2025

  • James Clow – Chair – CCISD

  • Melissa Bryan – Director of Food & Nutrition – CCISD

  • Amy Hudson – Director of Health Services – CCISD

  • TBD – Community Rep.

  • Amy Simpson – Director of Behavioral Support Services – CCISD

  • Angie Sharp – Assistant Director of Special Ed – CCISD

  • TBD – Parent – CCJHS

  • TBD – Staff – CCJHS

  • TBD – Parent – HCES & SCLJHS

  • April-Dawn Wiemer– Staff – MWES

  • TBD – Parent – MWES

  • TBD – Staff – CCHS

  • Lydia Burse– Staff – SCLJHS

  • Kendall Bush– Staff – FJES

  • Sharon Schawang – Parent – FJES

  • Karen Williams – Parent – FJES

  • Samantha Peck– Staff – MSELA

  • Brittney Heyworth– Parent – MSELA

  • TBD – Staff – CRHS

  • TBD – Parent – CRHS

  • TBD– Parent – CPES

  • TBD – Staff – WLES

  • TBD – Parent – WLES