Thank you to everybody who came out to celebrate our arts program's at CCISD's Festival of the Arts this weekend!
More photos --> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBiGDm

CCISD will be hosting a Transition Fair to help families understand some of the services provided by the district and its partnerships in the community on April 4th.

Get the quick facts on the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024. In order to participate in the May 2024 Election, you must be registered to vote. Don't miss the April 4th deadline. Register to vote at www.VoteTexas.Gov.
For more info on the proposed bond, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

It's not too late to register for the inaugural Pride of Cove Band & Guard 5k THIS SATURDAY! We'll see you at City Park!

Please don't forget that CCISD's Job Fair is TONIGHT at the Civic Center.
To see available positions, please visit www.ccisd.com.

Saturday is CCISD's Festival of the Arts. Come see our students perform, their work and take on a project yourself!

Join us Friday night at Lea Ledger Auditorium for this year's Elementary Choir Concert, featuring performances from all 6 of our elementary campuses in Copperas Cove.

CCISD has launched a new website and mobile app to more effectively communicate with our community.
Read more --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/1515874

The CCHS World Languages department is hosting its annual Multi-Cultural Night this Thursday night. We hope to see you there!

Currently, the cafeteria at Copperas Cove Junior High School does not have restrooms, requiring students to leave the area to access restrooms in other parts of the school. Proposition A includes an expanded cafeteria with restrooms and result in better monitoring of students. Learn more about the 2024 Copperas Cove ISD Bond at www.ccisd.com/bond2024

WE'RE HIRING! CCISD is hosting a job fair Thursday evening

So, what is the impact of Bond 2024? If the bond is successful, the district would be eligible to apply for Instructional Facilities Allotment (IFA) funding. If approved, IFA funds could provide up to 30% state assistance and result in a lower cost to taxpayers.

The CCHS AVID program recently took its juniors & seniors to Austin to visit Huston-Tillotson University and learn about the school.

Currently, the high school is approximately 29% over capacity and enrollment is growing every year. The bond would allow for major expansions including new classrooms and science labs, to not only meet current capacity needs, but also provide additional space for future growth.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

CCISD is holding an information session on Teen Dating Violence at the CCHS Library on March 26th, after school, in the CCHS library.

Get the Facts! Copperas Cove ISD is growing rapidly and enrollment is projected to grow by 1,000 students in the next three years and 2,000 students over the next nine years. Bond 2024 includes expansion and renovation of Copperas Cove High School. To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

Did you know public schools in Texas operate on two separate budgets?
1) Maintenance & Operations (M&O), used for daily operations such as utilities and teacher salaries
2) Interest & Sinking (I&S), which pays for capital debt, new construction, and renovations
In order to fund the I&S budget, schools rely on the support of local tax payers to finance the design, construction, expansion and renovation of facilities.

Currently at CCHS, approximately 30 teachers don't have a
dedicated classroom. The bond proposal would allow for
expansions to the high school, ensuring all teachers have their
own classroom and dedicated workspace to prepare lesson
plans, grade papers, communicate with parents and see
students before or after school.
For more information about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, please visit www.CCISD.com/Bond2024.

Here is an overview of what is proposed in Bond 2024. To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

CCHS teacher Ms. Annababette Diemecke recently received her TEALS Program alumni award, certifying her through Microsoft to teach Intro to Computer Science.