Reminder, Bulldawg Family, we do not have school Monday, April 8th. It is a student holiday, staff development day.
Classes resume Tuesday morning!

ICYMI | Superintendent Dr. Joe Burns discussed the 2024 CCISD Bond proposal with reporters, including this report on the idea of a new HS & funding.
Read more --> https://www.coveleaderpress.com/news/ccisd-superintendent-discusses-proposed-high-school-expansion-and-funding

This week was Paraprofessional Appreciation Day and we wanted to take a minute to thank the incredible paraprofessionals in CCISD who help our students every day!

Check out this Copperas Cove High School Proposed Master Plan in Bond 2024 Proposition A. Copperas Cove ISD serves more than 900 students at the high school, and more than 500 at the junior high level each year who are developing skills which will provide lifelong health benefits.
In order to keep up with student growth, several athletic facilities at Copperas Cove High School must be relocated to allow for additions to the campus.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

The Pride of Cove Color Guard advanced to TCGC State Contest this weekend!
CCHS performs around 2 p.m. at Reed Arena on the Texas A&M campus in College Station.
More --> https://www.texascolorguardcircuit.org/events/60727

🗳️Today, April 4th is the Voter Registration deadline to participate in the May 2024 Election. As a reminder, Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024 Proposition A will be on the ballot. 🗳️ Register to vote TODAY at www.VoteTexas.Gov.

Bond 2024 Proposition A includes the expansion of the CCHS Cafeteria. Check out the proposed site plan and renderings below. For full-size renderings, please visit our Bond webpage at www.ccisd.com/Bond2024

TOMORROW is CCISD's Transition Fair, explaining the various vocational assistance services and partnerships. It is 6-7:30 p.m. in the Copperas Cove HS cafeteria.

CCISD Child Nutrition serves more than 2200 students per day at CCHS in three lunch periods. The inside of the cafeteria can only accommodate about 600 students at a time.
There is not enough seating for all students. Some students sit on the stage to eat. Currently, the outdoor eating area at CCHS cannot be used because it is not fenced. The cafeteria has only one entrance and is not centrally located so it takes some students up to 15 minutes to get lunch during a 30-minute lunch period. The proposed Kitchen and Cafeteria expansion includes 10 serving lines to more efficiently serve students with seating inside and out for 2,000 total students, and an upgraded commercial kitchen.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

The Copperas Cove HS Choirs will be hosting their Pre-UIL Concert THIS WEEK! We hope to see you Thursday night!

Did you know that Copperas Cove HS lost 2 days of instruction due to a blown fuse from a lightning strike in May 2022? Replacement with a used fuse was $48,000, as that fuse was no longer manufactured. Upgrading the electrical system with bond proceeds will prevent another occurrence. The existing main electrical switchgear is original to the building and service to the high school is at capacity. A facility assessment was done by the Texas Association of School Board’s Facility Services team, which recommended upsizing this main switchgear for current load balance and any future power requirements.
The bond proposal would allow for the replacement of outdated electrical panels, to include electrical switchgear, transformers and main distribution panels. The wiring that serves these existing panels and transformers will require replacement, as well, due to age and condition of the wiring and protective insulation.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

The deadline to register to vote in the May 2024 election is THIS THURSDAY, April 4th. As a reminder, Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024 Proposition A will be on the ballot. Register to vote TODAY at www.VoteTexas.Gov.

The bond proposal also includes an 8,000-sq ft expansion of the CCHS Band Hall, including a second band hall, allowing for more rehearsal space.
The current band hall does not have space for instrument storage and some storage closets are used for practice due to the undersized band hall. The Band program cannot have a marching band class period due to size constraints of the band hall. Since the band hall is used for various groups, some class periods have to end early in order for the next group to practice. This space-sharing constraint impacts instruction and practice time.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

CCISD is hosting a Transition Fair help any questions regarding vocational assistance program in the district and its community partnerships this Thursday at the CCHS Cafeteria. We hope to see you there!

Built in 1965, the Miss Jewell wing at Fairview/Jewell Elementary has not been remodeled or updated since the building was constructed.
The proposed work includes new classroom doors, updated life-skills classrooms, restrooms, flooring and updates to bring the campus into ADA compliance. The walkway between the Fairview and Miss Jewell wings would be enclosed to ensure student safety and limit exposure to inclement weather conditions when walking across campus.
To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

Bond 2024 could allow for safety and security improvements such as upgrades to access control systems, surveillance cameras, steel doors, and central lockdown capabilities to make schools more secure.
The walkway between each wing at Williams/Ledger and Clements/Parsons Elementary School and the Shared cafeteria/gym space will be enclosed to ensure safety when students are walking across campus. To learn more about the Copperas Cove ISD Bond 2024, visit www.ccisd.com/bond2024

CCISD is working alongside the Social Security Administration to hold a Social Security Income informational Zoom session.
Register by scanning the QR code.

Bulldawg Family, don't forget that there will be no class Friday or Monday as we celebrate Easter with our families.

The average age of the district’s campuses is more than 51 years old. Copperas Cove ISD maintains 20 facilities spanning nearly 2 million square feet, every school day.
As facilities age, they have increased mechanical, electrical and plumbing issues. These systems often have obsolete parts, require more frequent repairs and cost more to maintain, requiring a greater investment in maintenance and operational costs. More than 95% of the dollar value of the 2024 bond proposal is dedicated to addressing aging facilities and infrastructure.
For the latest and most accurate information regarding the Copperas Cove ISD 2024 Bond, please visit the official webpage at www.ccisd.com/bond2024

Thank you to everybody who made this weekend's Festival of the Arts a success and who came to celebrate our arts programs!
More photos --> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBiGDm