Support the CCHS BOYS BASKETBALL TOY DRIVE by bringing a new toy, book, or blanket to gain free admission to the game on December 6th.
17 days ago, Jason Long
The picture depicts a graphic of a basketball wearing a Santa hat with the following text: "CCHS BOYS BASKETBALL TOY DRIVE. BRING A NEW UNWRAPPED TOY, CHILDREN'S or YA BOOK, OR NEW BLANKET FOR ADMISSION TO THE GAME! DECEMBER 6th, 2024. Freshman B at 5pm, Varsity at 6:15pm. Help support Project Christmas! Making Little Bulldawgs Shine!
Congratulations to the following CCHS TAFE students for having qualified for state competition: Victoria Manning, Alayna Robinson, Cloe Beasley Melany Pabon, Kaeden Heimbuck, Addisyn Csicsak, Rebekah Howell, Robert Glass, Ashari Benjamin, Karina Hernandez, Madelaine Gardner, and Adrianna Williams.
17 days ago, Jason Long
Photo depicting TAFE students holding  certificates for having qualified for state competition
We hope you'll join us Thursday to see the Voices of Cove Choir at Lea Ledger Auditorium for their annual Christmas Concert.
18 days ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. Copperas Cove HS Voices of Cove Christmas Concert. Dec. 5th at 7 p.m. in Lea Ledger Auditorium.
We hope you'll join us Friday to see the Voices of Cove Choir and S.C. Lee Jazz Band at Lea Ledger Auditorium for their annual Christmas Concert.
18 days ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. Copperas Cove HS Voices of Cove Christmas Concert. Dec. 5th at 7 p.m. in Lea Ledger Auditorium. Featuring S.C. Lee Jr. High Jazz band from 6-7 p.m. in lobby
The CCHS Science National Honor Society recently induced five new members. Congratulations L. Cantu, Saida Gjana, Stephanie Martinez, Mikenzie Roberts and Wanissa Waterhouse.
19 days ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Five students in front of a stage
CCISD will host its next Emergent Bilingual Program Cafe TOMORROW in the CCHS library. We hope to see you there!
19 days ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. EB Program Cafe Family Engagement. ESL & Bilingual Program Families. December 3, 2024 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Copperas Cove High School Library at 400 S. 25th Street. Enter through front doors. Finger Foods Provided. Topics to be discussed: Literacy at home, preparing for high school and beyond. Child Activity Room available while parents attend meeting.
Move on Up! will be hosting a Christmas Market in the CCHS Cafeteria NEXT Saturday! Ornaments are $5 or less, and this event is cash only. All proceeds go to the participating work-based programs. We hope you'll come see some of the amazing work our students are doing.
22 days ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo and Move on Up logo. Features bulldog image. Christmas Market featuring CCHS, CCJHS, SC Lee. December 7, 2024 from 11-4 in the CCHS Cafeteria.
Don't forget to join us tomorrow to cheer on both the Dawgs and Lady Dawgs while supporting the fight against prostate cancer!
about 1 month ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. Dawn National Goes Bold for Blue for prostate cancer awareness. Features Zero Prostate Cancer logo and QR code redirecting to donation page on Zero Cancer website. Nov. 19, 2024 at Copperas Cove High School. Lady Dawgs vs. Burnet. Freshmen: 7:30, JV 5:00, Varsity: 6:15. Dawgs vs. Hutto. Freshman 6:15, JV 5:00, Varsity 7:30.
Congratulations to the Region and Area Choir qualifiers from the CCHS Voices of Cove choir!
about 1 month ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo, CCHS Voices of Cove choir logo. CCHS Choir 9-12 Region/Pre-Area Qualifiers. Diane Manguerra - Soprano 1, Dilana Downen - Soprano 1, Kynnerly Minus - Alto 1, Tyson Hart - Tenor 1, Robert Glass - Tenor 1, Richard Brown - Tenor 1, Darius Manguerra - Tenor 2, Nico Martinez - Bass 1.
Graphic with CCISD logo. CCHS Choir Area Qualifiers. Diane Manguerra - Soprano 1 / 4th chair, Nico Martinez - Bass 1 / 5th chair. 9th-10th Region Choir: Patience Nichols - Soprano 1 / 4th chair, Enoc Torres Figueroa - Tenor 1 / 8th chair.
Thank you to all who have served our nation and kept us safe. Happy Veterans Day.
about 1 month ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo on American flag background. Happy Veterans Day.
We hope you'll mark your calendars for CCHS's 2nd-annual Bold for Blue Basketball Game on Nov. 19th.
about 1 month ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. Dawn National Goes Bold for Blue for prostate cancer awareness. Features Zero Prostate Cancer logo and QR code redirecting to donation page on Zero Cancer website. Nov. 19, 2024 at Copperas Cove High School. Lady Dawgs vs. Burnet. Freshmen: 7:30, JV 5:00, Varsity: 6:15. Dawgs vs. Hutto. Freshman 6:15, JV 5:00, Varsity 7:30.
Preview tonight's season finale with Countdown to Kickoff!
about 1 month ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Two students from Copperas Cove HS have earned recognitions from the National Merit Scholarship Program! Read more -->
about 1 month ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Student receiving certificate from superintendent
Don't forget that CCISD is holding a Transition Fair for various services available to students in Copperas Cove TOMORROW!
about 2 months ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. Copperas Cove ISD presents Transition Fair. Date: November 7th. Time: 6:00-7:30. Where: Copperas Cove High School Cafeteria. For: Special Education and 504 students. Vendors: MHMR, Partner Resources, Texas Work Force, CCHS Counselors, CTC, Goodwill, City of Harker Heights, The Hop, HD Driving, HOCTIL, Down Home Ranch, Heart of Gold Daycare, Jaybird Learning Academy, Consolidated Planning Group, Friends for Life, UT, Texas State Technical College, A&M Paths, CCHS Counselors, CCHS CTE, CCHS Dual Credit, Move on Up, and many more! Contact: and Transitions help prepare for the future.
The CCHS National Art Honor Society is hosting a Ceramic Night! Come embrace your crafty side and support our students!
about 2 months ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo, US Army Child & Youth Service logo, Rebecca Garbacky student activities logo. National Art Honor Society invites you to: Ceramic Night!!! $30 for 2 nights. 5-7 p.m. in Copperas Cove HS Room 465. November 12th and December 2nd for glazing. Come in the band hall entrance. We will be there to greet you.
Copperas Cove High School recently held one of its "Hero Hype Day" where students cash their positive behavior points for various fun activities in an afternoon.
about 2 months ago, Copperas Cove ISD
CCHS AVID students recently volunteered at Fall-o-Ween at the City Park to help celebrate fall with the community. More photos -->
about 2 months ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Children around a table under a tent
Teens help children on bounce castle
A group of teens at a park
Don't forget, CCISD will be hosting a Transition Fair for families to learn about different services available to their students on Thursday in the CCHS Cafeteria.
about 2 months ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. Copperas Cove ISD presents Transition Fair. Date: November 7th. Time: 6:00-7:30. Where: Copperas Cove High School Cafeteria. For: Special Education and 504 students. Vendors: MHMR, Partner Resources, Texas Work Force, CCHS Counselors, CTC, Goodwill, City of Harker Heights, The Hop, HD Driving, HOCTIL, Down Home Ranch, Heart of Gold Daycare, Jaybird Learning Academy, Consolidated Planning Group, Friends for Life, UT, Texas State Technical College, A&M Paths, CCHS Counselors, CCHS CTE, CCHS Dual Credit, Move on Up, and many more! Contact: and Transitions help prepare for the future.
Today is Texas High School Coaches Day, where we celebrate the coaches who guide our students on the field every day. Thank you all for what you do for our students.
about 2 months ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. Texas High School Coaches Day
As the calendar flips to November this morning, we wanted to remind everybody of this month's school calendar. Parents, don't forget you can download the new CCISD mobile app to keep up with all things CCISD. Graphic produced by CCHS Graphic Design student Xavier Chavez.
about 2 months ago, Copperas Cove ISD
Graphic with CCISD logo. November. Features calendar with key for month showing student holiday/staff PD on November 4th, Staff/Student Holiday on Nov. 11th, Early Out on Nov. 22nd, Staff Video Flex Day on Nov. 25th and Staff/Student Holiday Nov. 26th-29th.